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Behind the Scenes of My Vlog

Behind the Scenes of My Vlog

It’s been almost six months since I picked the camera up again and started to regularly post videos – and it’s fun! But capturing them is quite a bit of work sometimes. 🙂 Here’s a few bloopers and outtakes – I’m posting these as a reminder to myself to not take things too serious. Have fun!

Video Transcript

Hey everyone. It’s been almost six months since I started to capture these videos and while about three years ago, it was an experiment to get better at storytelling. I’m now very passionate about sharing all my experiences around entrepreneurship, venture capital, and minimalism. So that hopefully more people can embark on those journeys. What do you usually see is the final result, and it might sometimes look easy capturing these videos, but there’s a lot of work that goes into making one of these, especially at the beginning. It sometimes took me half a day to capture five-six minutes of uninterrupted footage. And so without too much further ado, I just wanted to share a glimpse behind the scenes, some of the bloopers and outtakes that I’ve taken within the last six months. Enjoy.

Hello. But especially then it’s important. Okay.

Not typically – equally, equally, equally.

Not all of these areas are typically. Wow, what is it? This is not a hard one.

This is one that I’ve answered, more often than not.

That doesn’t make sense.

And now let’s see if this one will go a bit more smoothly.


Ah! It was such a good run.

Given that I… And I’ll do it again.

I mixed that because…

Audio would be easier than video.

I’ll just redo it. I think I can do better.

It’s a long term game and it’s emotional.

Why is it emotional? With that, have a beautiful day and blah, blah, blah.

Okay. How do we not?

Hopefully, these made you laugh and give you a bit of an insight into how hard sometimes even the simplest things can be. Hopefully, this encourages you to whatever hard thing you’re working on and what challenges you’ve set for yourself to try an extra bit harder. Of course, I’m going to continue making these videos but I need your help if you have ideas for what I should answer. What questions to talk about, what topics to deep dive – please let me know in the comments. And with that, have a beautiful day. Stay curious and I’ll talk to you soon.


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