I love podcasts so much that they have pretty much replaced any kind of music on my phone. I listen to podcasts on my way to an office in the morning, when I’m waiting in immigration at an airport and when I’m working out.
Here are three podcasts that I’ve only started to listen to recently and thought you might enjoy as well:
Tell Me Something I Don’t Know
Website: http://tmsidk.com/
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/tell-me-something-i-dont-know/id1171534532
TMSIDK is a new kind of game show hosted by Stephen J. Dubner, co-author of «Freakonomics» and host of «Freakonomics Radio». The setup is pretty straightforward: there’s a panel of very knowledgeable people (typically three) and there are contestants. The contestants think that they know something that the panel doesn’t know. The contestant gives some clues and hints and the panel tries to get behind it.
I like this show because it’s a great mix of humor and – for the most part – useless but fun facts.
Masters Of Scale With Reid Hoffman
Website: https://www.entrepreneur.com/topic/masters-of-scale
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=1227971746&mt=2&ls=1
MOS with Reid Hoffman is pure gold if you’re interested in how to build a scalable company. He has access to the best of the best. Recent guests on the podcast include Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg, Brian Chesky and many more. The episodes are quite short (about 30mins each – sometimes I get two in within the same day), very high-quality productions and always offer valuable takeaways.
Even if you’re not building a company, give this one a try – there’s a ton of great insights into some of the best business minds of our time.
The Way I Heard It With Mike Rowe
Website: http://mikerowe.com/podcast/
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/way-i-heard-it-mike-rowe/id1087110764?mt=2
Mike Rowe was a long-time host of Dirty Jobs and he has an incredible amount of great stories to tell. These bite-sized podcast episodes are a fun mix of stories and riddles. Usually, I don’t find out who or what the story is about until the last 30 seconds of the podcast. He’s a great storyteller and one of the few people who make mentioning their sponsors not just bearable but actually fun a lot of the times.
That’s it – I hope you’ll get some value or at least a good laugh out of some of these podcasts.
What are your favorite podcasts that I might not be listening to yet but should be?